Yari D'areglia
Senior iOS developer @ Neato Robotics by day, game developer and wannabe artist @ Black Robot Games by night.
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on June 3rd, 2019.
EQS in UE4 comes with a good set of generators of query items but there might be cases where you prefer to create generators tailored on your needs. I decided to write my own generator because I had to write a query to find the best position around the querier but not too close to it. I knew that I could just add a distance tests to...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on May 21st, 2019.
I’m still working at the AI system for The Mirror’s End and I decided to move the entire AI core from Behavior Tree to Utility AI. Environment Query System (EQS) is very well integrated with Behavior Trees and I really didn’t want to loose the ability to run EQS from my custom AI system. Luckily enough Unreal Engine...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on May 11th, 2019.
In this article I’ll go down the rabbit hole, showing how to setup and use the AI perception system. The official documentation about this topic is good but I had to scrape other needed information from various forum threads, Unreal-Answers posts and a lot of try-fail attempts. This article will condense my experience and findings into a...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on March 5th, 2019.
Hello Guys! how are you all doing? I’ve recently received emails asking about the blog and its future, so I decided it was time to explain here what I’m working on and why I’m no longer writing on ThinkAndBuild.it. It’s been a long time since the last article — 2 years! — and to me this has been a clear indication...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on June 29th, 2017.
It the previous two articles we saw how to setup and implement VIPER-S. In the third and last of the series we will be focusing on sharing information between modules and testing. Sharing data between modules Passing information between modules is a crucial task, and our architecture should be able to take care of it in a clear way. The...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on June 19th, 2017.
In the previous article we introduced VIPER-S, with an overview of its Domains and Roles, we organized our modules with folders and we started writing the contract for the “ItemsList” module. With this new article we’ll complete the architecture by implementing the Actors. An Actor is the entity responsible for the implementation of all...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on June 19th, 2017.
After some months using VIPER for my apps, I started working on my own architecture: I wanted to create something better for my own needs. I then started sharing thoughts with my colleague Marco. He is on the Android side of things, but we needed to discuss to find common ground and both get to a consistent result. We “kind...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on January 3rd, 2017.
3D touch is the ability to track user’s touch pressure level and, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting and unexploited feature of iOS touch handling system. With this tutorial we are going to build a custom button that leverages on 3D touch to ask user to confirm button action and, if 3D touch is not available on user...
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Yari D'areglia on December 8th, 2016.
After using Twitter’s iOS App for a while, I started looking at it with the developer’s eye and noticed that some of the subtle movements and component interactions are extremely interesting. This sparked my curiosity: how did you guys at Twitter do it? More specifically, let’s talk about the profile view: isn’t...
Posted by
Yari D'areglia on November 20th, 2016.
With iOS 10 came a bunch of new interesting features, like the UIViewPropertyAnimator, a brand new class that improves animation handling. The view property animator completely changes the flow that we are used to, adding a finer control over the animations logic. A simple animation Let’s see how to build a simple animation to...